Monday, February 22, 2010

Bee stings and seed flings

It was a productive weekend in the garden. We finished the cold frame, and started a variety of seeds in it (darn, it's already full!, we need more space!): chiogga and early wonder tall beets, shin kuroda? carrots, rocket arugala, mizuna greens, radicchio, gourmet lettuce mix, bloomdale spinach, mache, parsnips, kohlrabi, endive--wonder how THAT will do? and rutabagas. 
Almost all of the seeds under the grow lights in the basement are popping up (aside from the straw flowers). What did we start? vitamin greens, wormwood (flower), sweet ciciley (experiment), stevia, savory, cornflower, various greens, rainbow chard, asian greens mix, pak choi, and agretti (an Italian green).
On Saturday, I also fed the bees, but it came at a price! One head on collision with a worker bee has left me with a swollen puffy eye for the last few days! I've never had a major reaction to a sting, but this time was a bruiser. I should have considered my approach before making my move towards the hive. Sudden warm days like what we had this weekend make the hive particularly active and a bit more aggressive. Now is the time they start needing food to feed and generate the worker bees so they were eager to go out and start hunting. Today, I led a workshop at the Carolina Friends School on Urban Farming and I think my looks made a great impression, or at least stirred a few laughs. Live and learn...and laugh along the way!

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